New note template꞉ Template inception
Published with Share Note 🔸 Part of Obsidian guides
This is my one-stop-shop for new note creation using Templater:
- Press the hotkey and you’re presented with a list of new note templates, based off the templates you put in a specific subfolder. These templates are just your normal Templater templates, so you can use the ones you already have:
- The script will ask you for the title for your new note. It will use the current date/time if no title given. Of course you can configure that as you like.
- And finally you can choose to insert a link to the new note into your current note:
- Create a template subfolder to store your templates for different types of notes, like a Project note, or a Book note, or a Person note. Add any
template files in there that you like.
- Take a copy of my the Templater script at the bottom of this page and assign it to a hotkey.
If you want, you can download the entire demo vault here, which contains this script along with some other demos.
- Edit the script to change this value on the 4th line to the location of your template subfolder:
const templatesFolders = ['Utility/Templates/New note templates']
Template settings
Your templates can contain special properties which will configure the created new note:
- This will cause the note based from this template to be created in a specific folder. For example, you might want all your Person notes to be created in a People
- Any text in this property will pre-fill the name for the new note field in Step 4. If you want to add a date, you can reference Moment like this: This title has the date MOMENT(YYYY-MM-DD)
These fields will be removed from the created new note, so you don’t have to worry about them cluttering up your normal notes.
The Templater script
(remove the space in < %*
at the start)
< %*
// New note template configuration
const templatesFolders = ['Utility/Templates/New note templates']
const openNewNoteInSplit = false // Set this to true if you want the new note to open in a split to the right
Full instructions here:
// -------------------------------------
// Nothing to configure after this point
// -------------------------------------
const templateFiles = []
for (const folder of templatesFolders) {
const files = (await app.vault.adapter.list(folder))?.files || []
files.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)) // Sort alphabetically
if (!templateFiles) return
const templates = => {
const file = app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(path)
const meta = app.metadataCache.getFileCache(file)?.frontmatter || {}
let title = meta.template_title || ''
// Date/time placeholder replacement
const match = title.match(/MOMENT\((.*?)\)/)
if (match) title = title.replace(/(MOMENT\(.*?\))/, moment().format(match[1]))
return {
label: file.basename,
templatePath: file.path,
destinationFolder: meta.template_destination_folder
* Create a new note from a Templater template.
* @param {string} templatePath - Full vault path to the template file
* @param {string} newNoteName - Title / filename of the new note
* @param {string} destinationFolder - Full vault path to the destination folder
* @param {boolean} [openNewNote] - Optional: Open the new note after creating it
async function createFromTemplate (templatePath, newNoteName, destinationFolder, openNewNote = false) {
destinationFolder = destinationFolder || tp.file.folder(true)
const newFile = await tp.file.create_new(tp.file.find_tfile(templatePath), newNoteName, openNewNote, app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(destinationFolder))
// Remove the template properties from the new file
app.fileManager.processFrontMatter(newFile, (frontmatter) => {
delete frontmatter.template_destination_folder
delete frontmatter.template_title
return openNewNote ? '' : `[[${newNoteName}]]`
* Takes a note filename/title, and replaces any filesystem-unsafe characters
* with Unicode characters that look the same
* @param {string} title
* @returns {string}
function makeFilesystemSafeTitle (title) {
// some replacements: ” ‹ › ⁎ ∕ ⑊ \︖ ꞉ ⏐
title = title.replace(/:/g, '꞉')
title = title.replace(/\//g, '∕')
return title
const chosen = await tp.system.suggester( => x.label), templates)
if (!chosen) return ''
let title = (await tp.system.prompt('Name for the new file. Will use the current date/time if no value given.', chosen.title || '')) || moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH꞉mm꞉ss')
if (typeof title !== 'string') return '' // Prompt was cancelled
title = makeFilesystemSafeTitle(title)
const addLink = await tp.system.suggester(['Yes', 'No'], [true, false], false, 'Insert link in the current file? (Escape = no)')
const destination = chosen.destinationFolder || tp.file.folder(true)
const result = await createFromTemplate(chosen.templatePath, title, destination, !addLink && !openNewNoteInSplit)
if (openNewNoteInSplit) {
// Open the new file in a pane to the right
const file = app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(`${destination}/${title}.md`)
// Create the new leaf
const newLeaf = app.workspace.getLeaf('split')
await newLeaf.openFile(file)
// Set the view to edit mode
const view = newLeaf.getViewState()
view.state.mode = 'source'
// Give focus to the new leaf
app.workspace.setActiveLeaf(newLeaf, { focus: true })
// Move the cursor to the end of the new note
app.workspace.activeLeaf.view.editor?.setCursor({ line: 999, ch: 0 })
return result